Friday, September 23, 2011

BP8 RILS Publication

Amanda Castaneda

Brief Overview: Students will be learning how to create stories using complete simple sentences, while focusing on the use of vivid adjectives. Students will work collaboratively to create a story describing one another. Student will create their story of friendship using the Web 2.0 tool Storybird.

1. Target Audience- My audience will consist of a third grade ESL class.
2. Materials– Internet Connection, Preferably done during computer lab time. Student will need their brainstorming papers, along with their lists of adjectives
3. Objectives– Students will work collaboratively on a story about one another. Students will create stories about another friend in class using adjectives to describe the person they are writing about. At the end of this scenario the learner will be able to create a story using adjectives and how to write complete simple sentences while using the Web 2.0 tool Storybird.
4.  Procedure
A. Teacher will introduce lesson and objective to the class.
B. Teacher will review examples of adjectives and how to construct complete simple sentences.
C. Then teacher will introduce students to the Web 2.0 tool Storybird, by showing a short video describing the site.
D. Students will then choose a person in class they want to write about.
E. After students have chosen a partner to write about they will then start brainstorming about what they want to say.
F. We will head to the computer lab as a class and students will get started exploring Storybird by signing in and choosing artwork they want for their projects.
G. Students will take turns collaborating on a story that describes each friend. Each student should create 5 slides containing 2-3 sentences describing their friend.
H. Then students will share finished Storybird stories to the class.
1. Web 2.0 Tool– The Web 2.0 tool I decided to use is Storybird. Storybird is an online collaborative free storytelling service that allows children of all ages to read, create, and collaborate on stories by browsing through their themes or picking an artist to start with.
2. Social Participation/Social Learning– The social participation included in this project will include collaboration among students to create a single stunning story of friendship. Students will be working in pairs to write sentences about one another describing what each student likes about the other one. Students will have to work together to edit and complete their Storybird book. Then students will share their finished Storybird book with the class.
3. Making Connections
A) Students must have an adequate understanding of adjectives and how to construct complete simple sentences. 
B) Students must work collaboratively to complete a single Storybird about friendship, which in turn will raise each student’s self worth.
C) Students will be able to proudly present their books to the class.

1. Create/Produce – The end product students will create is a finished Storybird book, they can present to class.
2. Assessment –

Nearing Proficient
Not Proficient
Punctuation is used correctly.
Punctuation is used incorrectly one time.
Punctuation is used incorrectly two times.
Punctuation is used incorrectly three or more times.
Use of Vivid Adjectives
The student clearly understands the use of vivid adjectives. Story includes many examples of vivid adjectives.
The student clearly understands the use of vivid adjectives. Story includes many examples of vivid adjectives.
Student has limited understanding of the use of vivid adjectives. Story includes some vivid adjectives.
Student fails to understand the use of vivid adjectives. Story does not include examples of vivid adjectives.
Capitalizations are used correctly.
Capitalizations are used incorrectly one time.
Capitalizations are used incorrectly two times.
Capitalizations are used incorrectly three or more times.
Sentence Completion
Sentences are complete and show a high level of understanding.
Sentences are complete.
Sentences are incomplete or do not describe an idea or give information.
Sentences are incomplete and do not describe an idea or give information.

3. Reflection – The reflection for the RILS must have two parts.
a.       To reflect upon the project, students will be engaged in a discussion shortly after presenting their final projects with the class. In this discussion we talked about what they liked and what they did not like about the activity completed. All most all students had little or no trouble navigating the software but wish for more time to complete the project, so they had more time to view the artwork.

b.     The reflection I will implement as an educator is through observation. I will be going over pre and post observations, to determine what needed to be changed or added that allowed student’s using Storybird to have a fun and an enjoyable learning experience. In addition to observations I will be able to reflect and gain an understanding of what the students thought about the activity through our post discussion. I would also allow more time for students to explore the artwork when creating the next Storybird.

Here is my - Persuasive Message- for Storybird

1 comment:

  1. I like that you did a digital story Web 2.0 tool just like I did, but mine was GoAnimate. It was also interesting is that it was about the same age group. I like how you did the process of your project. I really enjoyed your persuasive video.
